Travel & Hurricane Sandy

Miami Beach

Just returned from a brief trip to Miami.  On the trip down we ran into Sandy off the coast.  It made our weather the first day and  a half, very rainy and windy.  After that it improved.  It remained windy for the duration of our trip, but the sun came out and that was all I needed!  The surf remained wild after Sandy moved on.

I love Florida in the fall.  This is the time of year when it starts to get cold and dark in New England, and it will remain that way for months.  Too many if you ask me.

The second round of fun came on our return trip.  We were the last Boston flight being allowed to leave Miami.  Sandy is headed our way and they were making preparations for a very windy and rainy few days.  I am not a great flyer.  I do it with reluctance, only because I know it is what allows me to get from point A to point B in a reasonable amount of time.  So imagine how thrilled I was to hear the captain come over the load speaker and say that he will do his best but there will be turbulence, especially the closer we get to Boston.  Yipee…  Well, the flight was not the smoothest I have been on, but it wasn’t the worst either.  I think knowing that there was going to be turbulence, helped with my usual panic.

As much as I didn’t want to leave Miami earlier today, I am glad I did.  When the weather is bad and travel is dangerous, there is no place like home…  Stay safe everyone!

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