
While working my way through all that is the internet these days – I came across a site called Klout.  Did you know that if you blog, tweet, facebook etc – you have a Klout rating?  This was news to me.

It started because I decided to join Cravebox.  This is a site where you get a chance to test new products and give opinions.  I like to that kind of thing, so I was all over this.  Part of signing up and being eligible to participate is a survey where you list your blog, facebook info etc.  They also have a place for you to enter your Klout rating.  Well I had to google this because I had never heard of such a thing.  So off to the Klout website I go and fill out another survey with similar information and Klout comes up with my rating…

I got a 41 out of 100 rating.  I get excited, that is pretty good isn’t it?  Well come to find out – it is average – LOL.  Well I hope that Cravebox finds my average rating good enough for their standards.

Cravebox image of a gift box

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